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Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :what if my ip is, Ive no honeypot set-up, will i be alright ?

Not from BEAR attacks!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Most people think it's some 'greater evil' at the end of the day, it's piracy that has brought people to protest. If piracy wasn't so active as it was, wouldn't be a problem.

Quote :In fact, the reason they want censorship is so their population can't learn about how bad the American situation is, and how much worse it will get in the future. Got nothing to do with piracy at all.

Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :This is why I don't make up feasible counter arguments. I have done it in the Nuclear power thread and something else about shit but he didn't pay attn. to any of it.

I should get you to Clarify though Yuri, I've neither bullied him or call him Cartman!! That was someone else. And yes you're right we should ignore him however he will continue to post. So it's sort of a catch twenty2

I used the plural form of 'you' there. Don't blame me for not understanding my message, blame your lazy grammar.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from 65D :...or photoshop fail. I don't see it that bad?

I was joking about it all being bleached because of the snow.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
I think there's something wrong with the saturation settings of your camera.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :Because there's not much point in arguing with Racer X. All he does is copy paste stuff from dubious websites. And if a forum member actually tried to have a discussion with him in the past, he simply carried on doing the same thing. There's really no point in trying to have a discussion with somebody who is living deeply in their own world full of conspiracies.

Then surely ignoring him is the best policy, not taunting?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :But meeeeeemmmmm that made me piss myself kamihama!!

That's not bullying, clearly you never have been bullied (or bullied someone else) because that's not what this is. We are capable of doing research which is something you're not capable of because you just copy and paste from conspiracy websites!!

Furthermore I have neither shown my support or opposition to Monsanto so I have no idea where you're getting the idea that I support it from...probably like the rest of your ideas, up your arse.

As for ignoring reality out of us two I think you're the one who needs to get a grip. Clearly you have no idea as has already been pointed out!! Go sleep in an ants nest.

What's the point in this? This is a forum, a place where people come to discuss ideas. If you don't like their ideas, just produce useful arguments to counter them or leave them be.

It shouldn't be hard to come up with scientific facts to discredit conspiration theories, but so far all you've done is bully Racer X and call him Cartman.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Feeling a bit bad for Sutil too, looks like he won't be around next year

A bit worried about Williams, it will be hard for them with 2 rather unexperienced and incident prone drivers.

BUT anyway... I wonder if/how this affects Bottas' plans... If Barrichello was chosen, there was most likely a free race seat for 2013. But now? I guess it'll depend of whether Maldonado and Senna can secure long-term sponsorship deals...

I really don't think Williams will keep both drivers for two seasons. They won't be able to afford it.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :

Tiny tiny beagles?

Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Dennis93 :Last picture ever..

This is from her model shoot a few months back

Model dating racecar driver. Could you be more stereotyped?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :

I was a bit lost at first, trying to figure out why your setup folder had .jpgs.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Senna to Williams for 2012: ... ures-williams-drive-2012/

Bollocks imho.

With so much money, Williams could do a Toyota '09 and build a fast car neither driver can win with.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :

Ewww, it's like a graphically shitty version of Shift 2 with more useless blur and stuff with only shitty cars and even shittier physics.

This should be fun.

And the music if a rip off GTR2!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Do what you want but accept that people will be fapping to it.

If I cared about people fapping I wouldn't put my own pictures up for starters.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Yeah because people's E-penises would not be satisfied if they didn't post the picture of someone they have an INTIMATE relationship with. *facepalm*

So I take it that having pictures of your partner on your Facebook album is a no-no?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
The question is: do you spit or swallow?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Inb4 deko rant about how ridiculous he thinks that is

The other bad thing about follow view is that you can't see the front of the car, which can sometimes cause issues with close racing.

But you can't see the front of the car in the in car views either.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Really fun race, lots of action, managed not to cause any yellows on my own, very nice.

One thing I would like to suggest for future oval events is allowing (or even enforcing) people to use the dreaded follow cam. The two in-car cameras are terrible for close oval racing because they leave us clueless as to what's going on around us and, unlike real drivers, we don't have spotters telling us whether to go high or low.

Using the follow cam improves spatial awareness significantly, allowing drivers to choose a line more confidently and safely. It is also better for drafting and, specifically, bump-drafting, which the in-car cameras aren't very suited for, leading drivers to involuntarily bump each other mid-turn because the camera perspectives leads them to believe they're a safe distance from the car ahead.

The only downturn of the follow cam is that it doesn't allow us to see who's directly behind us, but that is made redundant in oval racing, given that we can pretty much count on having someone snuck up our rear wings all the time.
Last edited by Yuri Laszlo, .
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Don't forget 2008. I mean... He -almost- gave a damn DWC title to Peter Sauber's team. Kept it cool while Massa and Hamilton both were on the verge of blowing it all due to their unconsistance, despite being in much superior cars.

IMO the most impressive "underdog" championship campaign since Frentzen in 1999.

BMW had the best overall package in 2008 until it actually won a race and the team decided that was all they needed for the next two years. Sure, Kubica was impressive, but when you build a car that gives Heidfeld a shot at winning, it cannot be called an underdog.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
ALways thought ER ripped its tune off this: Van Halen - Right Now
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
We have a five year-old Maltese bitch , a six-month old cross between a Labrador and a paper shredder, and a very interesting cat, which is the new dogs plaything.

The Cocker died of natural causes last year.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
I didn't know it was Arox I'd hit there. Sorry, mate.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] : Is there a pun of some sort involved in this post?

'To get a leg over' someone means to have sex. Hence my joke about Mr. Penske getting a leg over a man.

Quote :Just imagine. Power and Bourdais teamming-up at Penske. :wow:

A driver who's proven time and again he's not complete enough to win a title, and someone who could only do it driving for the only team with money in a series filled with paydrivers and retired f1 drivers?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :She/he/It, was yesterday evening on TS3 of CG, seemed to be a real female voice somehow.

I guess I don't know anymore.

Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :In this interview(quite an interresting read overall), she says she needs to find $4M for a full time ride. And she sounds quite optimistic about it.

Now, Pippa could be put in difficulty by the fact that TrueCar's backing has (either partly or totally) gone to Katherine Legge, while she used to be linked to it.

Kat's backing is said to be quite huge overall. Probably one of the reason why Dragon managed to come up with that surprise 2 cars program.

Completely unrelated, but some other great news for the series. Curt Cavin says here that we will have a race at Milwaukee next year. It's been a persistant rumour over the last few days/weeks, and it looks like it will happen eventually. Cavin isn't the kind of guy to pass rumours for news.

So Jay Penske got a legge over a mann?