What's the point in this? This is a forum, a place where people come to discuss ideas. If you don't like their ideas, just produce useful arguments to counter them or leave them be.
It shouldn't be hard to come up with scientific facts to discredit conspiration theories, but so far all you've done is bully Racer X and call him Cartman.
Really fun race, lots of action, managed not to cause any yellows on my own, very nice.
One thing I would like to suggest for future oval events is allowing (or even enforcing) people to use the dreaded follow cam. The two in-car cameras are terrible for close oval racing because they leave us clueless as to what's going on around us and, unlike real drivers, we don't have spotters telling us whether to go high or low.
Using the follow cam improves spatial awareness significantly, allowing drivers to choose a line more confidently and safely. It is also better for drafting and, specifically, bump-drafting, which the in-car cameras aren't very suited for, leading drivers to involuntarily bump each other mid-turn because the camera perspectives leads them to believe they're a safe distance from the car ahead.
The only downturn of the follow cam is that it doesn't allow us to see who's directly behind us, but that is made redundant in oval racing, given that we can pretty much count on having someone snuck up our rear wings all the time.
BMW had the best overall package in 2008 until it actually won a race and the team decided that was all they needed for the next two years. Sure, Kubica was impressive, but when you build a car that gives Heidfeld a shot at winning, it cannot be called an underdog.
We have a five year-old Maltese bitch , a six-month old cross between a Labrador and a paper shredder, and a very interesting cat, which is the new dogs plaything.
'To get a leg over' someone means to have sex. Hence my joke about Mr. Penske getting a leg over a man.
A driver who's proven time and again he's not complete enough to win a title, and someone who could only do it driving for the only team with money in a series filled with paydrivers and retired f1 drivers?